Drawing on our agriculture industry backgrounds, we design practical solutions & implement the change needed to achieve exceptional agricultural results.

Market Information

Farmgain Africa provides agricultural market information service for commodities produced in 33 markets in Uganda and this system is expanding to 50 markets. We also link potential producers to buyers at all levels right from primary producers to exporters of agricultural produce.

See market data here

Agricultural Market Analysis

Farmgain Africa gathers market intelligence data  from district and specialized markets as well as regional markets through cross border observations and trade information exchange on a regular basis.

Learn more here

Fertilizer Prices

Farmgain Africa is the source of fertilizer prices in major towns of Uganda provided on a monthly basis with partnerships from agro dealers shops distributed through the country. Observations and market price trends are available on this platform.

Farmgain Africa has, with time, built linkages and networks several key stakeholders in the agro-commodity marketing arena and these include grain traders, agro-processors, development partners and policy makers.

Farmgain Africa has also ventured into area of “impact assessment” and has conducted a number of baseline surveys and impact assessment surveys for some NGOs doing agro-related activities.

See fertilizer prices here