Major markets registered newly harvested maize countrywide. In Kisenyi-Owino dry grain market, maize was offered at two quality levels viz old stock grain at Ugx.800/kg and newly harvested grain at Ugx.750/kg. Good quality maize flour was offered at Ugx.68,000-70,000 per 50kg sack.

The beans harvest started much earlier and a considerable volume of assorted bean varieties have been sold in several markets. In Kampala, the beans price dropped a few weeks ago. It continued to decline to currently Ugx.1800-2100/kg for Short Nambale beans. Long Nambale (Nabe4) was offered at Ugx.1850/kg while Mixed beans were cheapest at only Ugx.1000/kg at wholesale. Yellow beans cost Ugx.2000-2100/kg and sugar beans at Ugx.3400-3500/kg at wholesale. Rosecoco (Kahura) beans were scarce and cost Ugx.1900-2000/kg while white and green beans cost Ugx.2000/kg and 1500-1800/kg respectively. Kanyebwa beans cost Ugx.2000-2200/kg in Kampala’s major markets.

Newly harvested maize in Tororo was offered at Ugx.600/kg while old stock at Ugx.650/kg. In Gulu it was offered at Ugx.700/kg wholesale. Soya beans, millet, groundnuts, rice, sorghum and beans were all being harvested in Gulu and the northern region at large. Similarly commodities such as beans, millet, rice, simsim,g/nuts and soya beans were being harvested in Lira. Maize cost Ugx,500/kg in Lira.

From the central production locations, maize was ferried from Kyankwanzi/Kiboga at Ugx,580/kg while from Masindi maize was purchased at Ugx.600/kg. A number of traders from Kampala purchased maize from Masindi at that market price. Similarly, newly harvested maize was offered at Ugx.600/kg in Tororo while the old stock maize was offered at Ugx.650/kg. Most of this maize grain was delivered from Budaama area. Mbale and Kapchorwa markets had the maize price slightly high at Ugx.750/kg.

The cross border produce market in Busia had an estimated 300MT traded daily. Good quality maize grain was offered at Ksh.23.5/kg while Fair quality at Ksh.23/kg. Yellow beans were sold at Ksh.75/kg while Nambale at Ksh.56/kg. Red Wailimu and Mixed beans were offered at Ksh.52/kg and Ksh.36/kg respectively.

The demand for Mixed beans destined for Kigali via Mutukula continued to be stocked by transit traders purchasing beans from Kamwenge and other districts at Ugx.1250/kg.

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