Maize traders and stockiest have rushed to market to minimize losses as the market price begins to subside. Maize supply was delivered to Busia from Tanzania via Taveta, Sibanya and Namanga. Apparently the Tanzanian supply which is newly harvested and is of good quality and cheaper than the old stock grain from Uganda.

When the traders interfaced with the Tanzanian supply in the same market, they dropped their price. A lot of fresh maize on cob started reaching the market further exiting the market leading more speculators drop off whatever they had held in anticipation of high market price. This fresh maize was delivered from Bunyoli and Budama Tororo.

Throughout the week maize was offered cheaper at Ksh.27-29/kg good quality grain while the least acceptable quality at Ksh.25/kg. At the close of the week, the grain price increased to Ksh.31.5/kg while the least acceptable quality at Ksh.27/kg. The increment was attributed to an increase in Kampala grain market price during the weekend. (Forex rate: Ksh.34.5)

An estimated 180-200Mt of grain was traded daily at Busia border post market.

In Kampala, the grain market declined from Ugx.1000-950/kg after registering slightly more grain. The rate at which Posho is demanded has further affected the demand for maize. The price of Posho was stuck at Ugx.2000/kg at wholesale leading to further slow trading in Kampala Grain market. Elsewhere, maize on cob has started reaching the market especially in Kyankwanzi, Kiboga, Masaka, Iganga and Bugiri. Plenty is expected from Masindi in the first seasonal harvest. In Mutukula, trading was low, though, a lot of produce was expected into the country mainly because of the cumbersome process that the truck drivers are going through to check for Covid-19 disease. Maize, beans, cassava and rice are some of the commodities expected from Tanzania. Generally, there was a slight grain market decline due to less demand from Busia Regional market.

As more harvested beans were delivered to Busia, the market price declined on a daily routine. Yellow beans were preferred and more expensive at Ksh.125-130/kg. The yellow beans declined towards the weekend. Mixed beans were offered at Ksh.95-90/kg while red Wailimu beans at Ksh.97-92/kg. Nambale beans cost between Ksh.130-115/kg but further dropped to Ksh.110/kg during the close of the week end market.

Approximately 100Mt of assorted beans were traded at Busia, however, the supply increased to 150Mt during the close of the week.   

Given the above normal rains received countrywide, some locations have registered floods, Soroti district being one of them where a cholera outbreak has broken out leading to loss of three lives.

Kampala market also received plenty of newly harvested beans from Hoima, Mubende, Mityana and Mbarara districts. Short Nambale, Kahuura, Kanyeebwa and Yellow beans were offered at Ugx.3500/kg wholesale price. Long Nambaale and Mixed beans were cheaper at Ugx.3300/kg and 2700/kg respectively. Masavu(Sugar beans) were, however, sold expensively at Ugx.4500/kg. The quality is not yet good since the moisture content is still high but the climax of the beans harvest is expected in a fortnight. The expected supply was, however, hit by irregular weather pattern where some areas received too much rain and others were affected by longer dry spells.

Northern regional market offered beans expensively and outsourced beans from the South rendering beans price higher than other parts of the country. Beans were offered at Ugx.4500-6000/kg at retail price in Gulu depending on variety and quality. In general, the opening season has rendered the beans market prices lower compared to the previous week. Other fresh commodity supplies delivered to market were in plenty which led to low prices.

Farmgain Africa.

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