During the month of May the maize grain price in Kampala was registered stable. Maize was offered at Ugx.800/kg for 3 weeks. The presence of other staples on the market such as matooke from the western region, fresh cassava and sweet potatoes from central region is one of the effects of a stable grain price.

Secondly, the market in the central region received new maize from neighboring Tanzania which also slowed down and stabilized the grain price in Kampala. Thirdly low demand for Ugandan maize at the regional produce hub at Busia presented more supply to the grain market in Kampala. The maize grain price in Kampala should have increased faster during this time of the year (May), however, given the above facts, stockists held onto their stocks longer than usual and/or may have to sell off before the new seasonal harvest in June/July. By the second week, stockists released their old stock maize in preparation for the first season harvest in June.

The maize flour price in Kampala was reported fluctuating between Ugx.1,500/kg and Ugx.1,600/kg depending on the quantity of grain, grade and the price of substitutes like rice, matooke, cassava and millet. The volume of maize grain stocks in the country side greatly declined, however, some stocks were still hoarded by traders country wide to try to recover losses created by low market prices.

In the final week of the month, a reduced maize grain price was recorded at Ugx.780-800/kg due to less demand for maize in Kampala markets. Maize flour prices, likewise, declined to Ugx.450/kg in Kisenyi grain market. Other maize flour substitutes registered an increase in supply such Matooke and fresh cassava.

The first beans seasonal harvest supply for 2024 kicked off during the month of May from Buhweju/Kasese at Ugx.4400-4500/kg wholesale delivered in Kampala. This supply was highly moist and expensive. At around the same time, supply of beans was reported from Tanzania at a slightly cheaper price. Yellow beans cost Ugx.3900-4100/kg while Nambale at Ugx.4000-4100/kg wholesale depending on supply of the day. The Tanzanian traders also delivered with them good quality cassava chips at Ugx.500-600/kg, cassava flour at Ugx.1000/kg, Ground nuts at Ugx.4000/kg and maize grain. Throughout the second week, beans were offered at Ugx.4000-5000/kg wholesale.  Supply of beans increased during the third week leading to a decline in price. Long nambale declined to Ugx.3300-3500/kg, Short nambale and Kahuura to Ugx.3800-4000/kg. White beans were offered at Ugx.3500/kg while mixed beans were offered at Ugx.2300-2600/kg.

At the close of the month, the markets in Kampala reported declining prices for beans due to increased supply for beans. Long Nambale declined to Ugx.3200/kg at wholesale. Yellow beans cost Ugx.3500-3600/kg, mixed beans at Ugx.2000-2200//kg and Short Nambale at Ugx.3500-3600/kg wholesale.

The market in Kampala also recorded increased matooke supply from the western region which resulted into declining prices throughout the month of May. Bunches of Matooke were offered at Ugx10,000-35,000 depending on size of bunch and location.

Increased demand for maize was registered in the opening week of May at Busia produce hub following torrential rains received across Kenya. Good quality maize was purchased at Ugx.892/kg (Ksh.31/kg) while fair quality at Ugx.864/kg (Ksh.30/kg). The least acceptable quality was bought at Ugx.806/kg (Ksh.28/kg). Prices continued to decline during the first weekend as volumes demanded increased to 1400MT daily. Plenty of maize was delivered to this particular market during the same weekend from numerous rural locations.

Plenty of old stock beans were delivered to Busia Produce Hub at the beginning of the month, however, this supply met a low demand from Kenya because of newly harvested beans supply from Ethiopia via northern Kenya border. This Ethiopian supply was mixed with the old stock beans on the Ugandan side and delivered to high demand areas such as Teso and Lango regions at a fair price. By the second week, newly harvested beans from Hoima and Kiboga were delivered to the Busia border post market indicating the first seasonal harvest supply.

Yellow beans, Wailimu, K20 Nambale and red beans were particularly supplied in plenty

Volumes of beans supplied were recorded at only 125MT daily up from 40MT before the harvest.

By the third week, the first seasonal harvest had taken offfor all bean varieties, soya beans and sorghum.

Other commodities that were demanded by the Kenyan market included millet at Ugx.2476/kg (Ksh.86/kg), Red sorghum at Ugx.1094/kg (Ksh.38/kg) and White sorghum to Ugx.806/kg ( Ksh.28/kg). Groundnuts were purchase at Ugx.4752/kg (Ksh.195/kg), Simsim at Ugx.7200/kg (Ksh.250/kg) and green grams at Ugx.2016/kg (Ksh.70/kg).

In the northern region, Sudanese traders were reported purchasing maize and beans at Ugx.800/kg and beans at Ugx.4000/kg. K20 beans from Tanzania cost Ugx.4000/kg while Yellow beans cost Ugx.5000/kg. Mbale and Masindi offered Yellow beans at the same price of Ugx.4000/kg.

At the close of the month, yellow beans and other varieties were delivered from Kyankwanzi, Kiboga, Kyegegwa, Mubende and Kyenjojo at reducing prices.

Farmgain Africa

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