During the month of March, the food security situation was not stable and experienced fluctuating commodity prices in the region. The region experienced some effects to do with the locusts’ evasion that entered the region via Amudat district. Traders would want to take advantage of every situation to speculate and earn more from any supply.
Delayed planting was mentioned especially in Nakapririt district since some rainfall was received during the month. Some locations reported having received rainfall but were waiting for the right planting time. Produce trading was registered declining due to no demand especially at the close of the month due to the announcement of the Covid 19 disease that ended into a quarantine and an eventual closure of markets from the presidential directive. Later the population was grant passable to the market but very few people turned up for food items in the markets.
In Kotida, the process of animal vaccination started and a number of animals were vaccinated. The quarantine in the livestock sector continued and will be lifted in June. This quarantine has affected the population in general especially during the off-season period before planting when they have to depend on animal sales for acquiring basic like food and school fees.
Traders speculate that the food security situation this year might have major effects of the locust evasion and timeliness of the planting cycle.
Most commodities prices were increased especially at end of month. Supply of commodities from outside the region dropped drastically due to lack of transport means available to deliver food items. Before the Covid 19 quarantine and curfew all essential food items such as maize, sorghum and beans shot high. Posho prices increased to Ugx.2600-3000/kg in some markets
Charcoal and firewood prices have remained high because supply was cut short. Usually the casual labour cost increase slightly at this time of the year when preparation for planting is much needed by the local population, however, the presence of the Corona quarantine only made it worse. Therefore late planting will most likely take place.
In the livestock sector, several animal sales were carried out outside the gazette markets. Transit traders from Kampala travelled to the region and bought animals. Animal prices were however reported high. Big bulls were offered at Ugx.1.2-1.3Million per herd. Small bulls were offered at Ugx.800, 000 per herd. Heifers and cows cost Ugx.800, 000-900,000 per herd. Goats and Sheep were very expensive and big size animals were offered at Ugx.250,000 while the small ones cost Ugx.150,000 per herd. The Kampala transit traders fetched animals on a weekly basis on truck carrying between 100-200 herd.
Farmgain Africa