The 2nd harvest season for maize opened late during the month of January and the climax was speculated in Mid-month. Some production locations had earlier reported harvesting. Unusual this year, supply was mentioned first from Hoima, Kiboga and Kyankwanzi delivered to Kampala. In other major markets like Busia, harvesting was reported first from the northern and Busoga region.
Plenty was delivered to Kampala market in the opening week of January dropping the grain price from Ugx.950/kg to Ugx.880/kg. More maize grain supply was reported a week later further declining the grain price to Ugx.780/kg. The quality was not good due to the rainfall registered in December, however, more supply with better quality reached Kampala at a lower market price of Ugx.750/kg mid-month. Stable grain prices were maintained in Kampala market in the closing week of January at Ugx.750/kg wholesale as millers struggled to discount themselves to gain better margins on maize flour sales. The maize flour price in Kampala declined from Ugx.1700/kg at wholesale to Ugx.1500/kg at the close of the month.
Meanwhile at the regional border market of Busia, the month of January opened with huge demand for maize grain registering 2000Mt crossing daily to Kenya formally. The second week registered maize at a slightly lower market price of Ksh.35/kg (Ugx.826) from Ksh.38/kg (Ugx.896) in the opening week. A corresponding high supply of 2700MT of grain was purchased and delivered daily.
Maize was registered from the eastern region such as Bunyoli, Tororo, Paliisa and Busoga. At around the same time, Tanzanian and Rwandan traders bought maize in different locations including the northern region delivering it via Busia border, Katuna and Mutukula borders. The Tanzanian purchase, however, declined gradually.
Mid-month, the volume and demand for maize at the regional post market increased to an estimated 2700MT daily and brisk business was reported at Busia. A decline in purchase price was reported as better quality maize was delivered from different production locations including the western region. The quality improved reporting a lower moisture content level for the maize grain delivered to Busia. The buying price, however, declined slightly to Ksh.34/kg (Ugx.782).
In the final week, a stable market price was registered for maize grain at Ksh.34/kg (Ugx.782). High volumes of grain were delivered from all production locations such as Mubende, Bunyoli, Busoga, Kiboga, Masindi and Kyankwanzi. An estimated 2500-3000MT of grain was traded daily at this border post during the closing weeks. Given the high volumes and expected maize bumper harvest, the maize price will not increase as usual and could drop to Ksh.30/kg (Ugx.690). The rainfall received in January has certainly affected the quality of maize delivered to market. Traders from Rwanda continued to purchase maize in the western region via Katuna at Ugx.870/kg for newly harvested maize and Ugx.1030/kg for old stocked maize at the start of the month. Tanzanian traders purchased maize at Ugx.980/kg at Mutukula in the opening week of January, however, demand and price dropped to Ugx.600/kg at the close of the month.
Plenty of beans were supplied to Kampala in the month of January. Supply was recorded from all production locations and Yellow beans specifically from Tanzania. Yellow beans from the central region were supplied fresh and preferred at Ugx.3600/kg wholesale price at a higher price compared to Yellow beans from Tanzania at Ugx.3300/kg wholesale. Long Nambale was offered at Ugx.2800/kg while Short Nambale at Ugx.3200/kg in the opening week of January.
Stable prices were recorded in the second week for Kampala. Several varieties were delivered to this market by transit traders who stocked beans during the month of December at the climax of the 2nd harvest season. At the close of the month reducing beans prices were observed for some bean varieties especially for Yellow beans.
Less than 1200MT were demanded by the Kenyan transit traders in the opening weeks of January. Yellow and Army Green beans were preferred at Ksh.140/kg (Ugx.3220) and Ksh.143/kg (Ugx.3289) respectively. Short Nambale and Rosecoco beans cost Ksh.130/kg (Ugx.2990), Long Nambale at Ksh.113/kg (Ugx.2599), Mixed beans at Ksh.78/kg (Ugx.1794) and Wailimu beans at Ksh.85/kg (Ugx.1955). Most of the supply was registered from the western region specifically Masindi, Kazo, Mubende, Isingiro and Ibanda.
Mid-month, the demand for beans at Busia declined to an estimated 900MT daily as most transit traders changed business to maize grain purchase due to better margins. Yellow beans price and Short Nambale stabilized at Ksh.139/kg(Ugx.3197) and 130/kg (Ugx.2990) respectively. Long Nambale cost Ksh.115/kg (Ugx.2645) while Wailimu stabilized at Ksh.85/kg (Ugx.1955).
The Kenyan traders at Busia border post market also demanded for millet at Ksh.84/kg (Ugx.1932), Sorghum at Ksh.42-44/kg (Ugx.966-1012), Dry Cassava chips at Ksh.58/kg (Ugx.1334), Simsim at Ksh.260/kg (Ugx.5980), Groundnuts at Ksh.245/kg (Ugx.5635), Green grams at Ksh.90-95/kg (Ugx.2070-2185) and Soya beans at Ksh.90/kg (Ugx.2070).
Farmgain Africa.