Economic Research Policy Centre (EPRC). In its quest to identify ways of addressing the adverse impacts of rising food prices, EPRC is collaborating with Farmgain Africa as their commodity market price and trends provider in Uganda. In a bid to respond to food price changes in the region the Economic Policy Research Centre (EPRC) in collaboration with five East African research institutions have initiated a joint project to address food security challenges accruing from soaring food prices.
EPRC as the coordinator of the initiative in Uganda intends to enlighten policy makers about the new avenue created in which the emerging food price situation in the region and its likely impact on the the regional food security will be assessed, analyzed and jointly understood to allow the evidence based policy decision to be made.
It is against this background that ASARECA initiated a project to examine the food price trends with in EA region and use the information generated as a tool for forecasting and designing effective food policies and strategies for the region.