In the fish market, it was reported that the fish price especially for Nile Perch declined to Ugx.6500-7000/kg at the three major fish distribution centres in town of Kireka, Bwayise and Busega. Traders attribute the increased supply to the strict laws of catching only mature fish and zero tolerance to transportation of immature fish. Tilapia weighing a kilo declined to Ugx.9,000-9,500 in the above markets. Apparently lung fish (Mmamba) was very scarce.
The maize grain market price declined in major markets such as Kampala, Lira, Gulu, Kiboga, Kyankwanzi, Masindi, Busia to mention a few. In Kampala’s major markets, the grain price dropped from Ugx.880-900/kg to Ugx.820-830/kg. Plenty was received from all production areas that could deliver to Kampala especially on Central and Western regions. Much of the Busoga crop headed eastwards to Busia where brisk business was also reported. The increased supply to Kampala is also attributed to the closure of Rwanda border that used to buy most of this produce currently creating a surplus heading to Kampala.
The quality is not good because of the current rains registered in most of the production locations. This situation has also sparked off spontaneous planting in order for the farmers to catch the rain which has heavily affected the quality of the newly harvested rain. The maize flour price in Kampala also declined to Ugx.1800/kg in Kisenyi Dry Grain market.
Elsewhere, in Busia, brisk business continues to thrive with an estimated 500MT crossing daily. Apparently, the price for good quality maize declined from Ksh.32/kg (Ugx.1120) to Ksh.30/kg (Ugx.1050). Most of the supply traded in this market was delivered to towns in Western Kenya from Busia to Kisumu, Emali, Bondo, Shaya, Makindu, Luanda up to Nairobi. Fair quality maize was bought at Ksh.28.5/kg (Ugx.997) registering a decline of Ugx.88/kg compared to the previous week’s price. The least acceptable grain usually animal feed was bought Ksh.27.5/kg (Ugx.962) indicating a decline of Ksh.88/kg compared to the previous week.
A lot of maize was still demanded from the Ugandan side by the Kenyan transit traders. In Kamwenge, the maize price declined to Ugx.750/kg bought off by millers. Planting was reported in this location since July to catch the rain. Beans were planted within the Matooke plantations. Less yield of maize grain was expected, likewise, from the Western region.
Good coffee harvest is expected in the near future and because of the rain, a good yield is expected especially from the Western region. In Kyegegwa and Kyenjojo, maize was offered at Ugx.770/kg and Ugx.850/kg respectively. Iganga also offered maize grain at Ugx.820/kg just like in Kampala.
There was reduced supply of beans in Kampala which gradually registered beans price at a slightly higher price. Yellow beans cost Ugx.3200-3300/kg while Masavu (Sugar beans) and Short Nambale were offered at Ugx.3000-3200/kg. Mixed beans were offered at Ugx.2500/kg from Kisoro and Long Nambale at Ugx.2700/kg wholesale.
At the Busia Border market, Sugar beans were preferred at Ksh.90/kg (Ugx.3150). Yellow beans cost Ksh.84/kg (Ugx.2940), Short Nambale a Ksh.74/kg (Ugx.2590), Wailimu at Ksh.66/kg (Ugx.2310) and Mixed beans Ksh.61/kg (Ugx.2135).
An estimated 800MT of assorted beans were bought and exported informally on a daily basis. Other commodities that were of interest to the Kenyan traders included dry Cassava chips at Ksh.19/kg (Ugx.665), Sorghum at Ksh.25/kg (Ugx.875), Millet from Soroti at Ksh.37/kg (Ugx.1295), Green grams at Ksh.94/kg (Ugx.3290), Groundnuts at Ksh.135/kg (Ugx.4725) and Simsim at Ksh.140/kg (Ugx.4900).
The beans price in Masindi swiftly increased due to the fact that farmers decided to plant as soon as the rains came down. Gulu beans price was very similar to that of Kampala at Ugx.2800-3000/kg